Community Allotment News

The Parish of St Margaret’s, Allhallows and St Mary’s Hoo are happy to inform you that we have secured a small Allotment Plot in High Halstow run by the Parish Council. This plot is adjacent to the park grounds, behind St Margaret’s Court.

From small acorns grow oak trees 

Our plan is to bring local people (enthusiasts and novices) together to enjoy fresh air, exercise and fellowship. We want to help people in our community to have a sense of wellbeing and to create a great community spirit.

We plan to share the produce with our volunteers and the local community. Providing fresh food for local families.

Look out for our updates below (click to read more):

Kent Community Foundation Grant
We have composters!

In the mean time if you would like to get involved contact us via [email protected]

St Margaret's Church Address

St Margarets Church, Cooling Rd, High Halstow
Rochester ME3 8SA