Art Competition
Celebrating the Queens Platinum Jubilee

The PCC of St Margaret’s, Allhallows and St Mary’s Hoo are sponsoring an Art Competition as part of their Jubilee Celebrations.

Art can be delivered in many forms and we don’t want to exclude any. However we do ask that your artwork be a static item and physical in nature. Please keep it relatively small (approx. A4 in size). Feel free to be creative, but remember to keep to the theme – Celebrating our Queen’s 70th Year Reign.

We know that there is an enormous amount of talent in our Parish and we want to give you the opportunity to artistically flourish.

There are 3 categories, these are:
1. Adult Age – over 18yrs
2. Secondary School Age – 11yrs – 17 yrs
3. Primary School Age –5yrs to 11 yrs

And prizes will be awarded to the winner of each category.

Entries must be local people, living on the Peninsula.

All entries will be independently judged, decisions will be final.

The winners will have the opportunity to exhibit their work at St Margaret’s Church in October 22 and if feasible, will be asked if they would like their entry to be sent to the Queen as a gift.

Closing date for all entries is Sunday the 29th May 2022.

Entries need to clearly marked with the Entries Name, Age (if over 18 mark as ‘Adult’) and Entry Number (you can obtain this by emailing [email protected]) and will need to be delivered to St Margaret’s Church in High Halstow after the Sunday Services on 8th, 15th, 22nd or 29th May (the service finishes approximately 1030am and someone will be available until 11am to take in your entry).

Feel free to join the service, we would love to have you there. But If not attending the service please wait till the service ends before delivering your item.

Important - We will need to confirm your details so please do not leave without signing your entry in. 

We will not take responsibility for items lost or damaged.

Winners will be notified via email & articles will go out in local publications and via facebook.

Prizes will be awarded by the end of June.

Collections (for non winning entries) will be from St Margaret’s Church – date tbc

Thank you for taking part, we look forward to seeing your wonderful creations.  

For more information contact [email protected]

St Margaret's Church Address

St Margarets Church, Cooling Rd, High Halstow
Rochester ME3 8SA